USG Whole Abdomen Test: 6 Things You'll Want to Know
If you experience persistent pain in your abdomen, your doctor may prescribe you ultrasound whole abdomen test. This test examines contents of abdomen and would help your doctor to treat accordingly.
In this blog, we will provide all the info you need about USG whole abdomen test – including why it is done, things you should know and the test cost in Kolkata.
What is USG Whole Abdomen Test ?
USG Whole Abdomen, commonly called whole abdomen ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique which utilises high frequency sound waves to capture images of the abdominal parts. The test helps to diagnose different disorders related to abdominal organs like kidneys, pancreas, liver, intestine, gall bladder etc.
Six Key Facts About USG Abdomen Test
1. Purpose of the Test
USG abdomen test is carried out to understand a detailed images of abdominal organs. The doctors recommend it to detect:

- Pancreatitis
- Liver cirrhosis
- Kidney stones
- Urinary tract infections
- Gall stones
- Cysts
- Tumours
- Blood vessels in abdomen
- Other abnormal growths in abdominal organs
2. Reasons of testing
USG abdomen test is carried out to understand a detailed images of abdominal organs. The doctors recommend it to detect:
3. Safe Procedure
This is a safe procedure as it does not use ionizing radiations or oral contrast agents such as X-Rays or Computed Tomography (CT) scans which can be harmful. This process is non-invasive and painless, too and as such mostly recommended by doctors. The whole abdomen USG test is often used during pregnancy as it does not cause any harm to you or your baby.
4. Preparations:
This is a safe procedure as it does not use ionizing radiations or oral contrast agents such as X-Rays or Computed Tomography (CT) scans which can be harmful. This process is non-invasive and painless, too and as such mostly recommended by doctors. The whole abdomen USG test is often used during pregnancy as it does not cause any harm to you or your baby.
5. The procedure:
Being a non-invasive test it uses high frequency sound waves that produce high quality images of the organs present in the abdomen. The images are captured on a computer screen for studying and undergoing the next process.
For the test, you need to lie down on a table and the technician after applying gel moves a device called transducer over the abdomen. The device emits sound waves that helps to create images on the screen. The doctor examines these images to detect if there’s any abnormality in the organs and proceed accordingly with the treatment.
6. USG whole abdomen test in Kolkata:
Considering the importance of the whole abdomen test, it is advisable to get the tests done from a reliable and reputed diagnostics centre. The USG whole abdomen cost in Kolkata varies with respect to places, qualified medical professionals, quality services and accurate results. As such you should look into a health centre with all these parameters and affordable pricing.
With convenience and best quality service complemented with renowned doctors and skilled technicians, we at Quadra Medical services provide you with the best USG whole abdomen test at reasonable prices.
For more information regarding reliable USG whole abdomen test in Kolkata get in touch with us!

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