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Breast USG in Kolkata: Your Complete Guide to Cost, Clinic, and Care

Breast USG in Kolkata: Your Complete Guide to Cost, Clinic, and Care

A breast ultrasound refers to a painless procedure where sound waves are used to generate images of the internal composition of your breasts. The transmitted sound waves bounce off the surfaces in your body and the resultant echoes are recorded to generate photographs or videos. In this blog post, we will give you a complete overview of a breast USG scan and how you can find a reasonable breast USG price in Kolkata.

Why Do You Need a Breast Ultrasound

Some of the reasons why your doctor may ask you to undergo a breast ultrasound are as follows:

  • You have breast tissue that is too dense to conduct a mammogram.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You are 25 years old or younger.
  • To undertake a closer investigation of an area spotted on a mammogram.
  • To determine if there has been any rupture of the breast implants.
  • To assess if a lump in the breast is merely a cyst or a solid mass which could indicate possible cancer.
  • To specify the precise location of a tumour so that the doctor knows exactly where to put the needle when conducting a biopsy.

Preparing for a Breast Ultrasound

When preparing for a breast ultrasound, your doctor will walk you through the entire procedure and answer all your queries. In some cases, you may be asked to sign a form stating that you give your consent to undergo the ultrasound. Patients are free to eat and drink normally before the scan but take care not to put any powder or lotion on your breasts as these may hinder the outcome. Wear comfortable clothing that will be easy to take off. Remember that you will have to undress from the waist up and put on a gown for the duration of the procedure.

What is the Procedure for A Breast Ultrasound

There could be certain specific steps to be followed for your case, but the general procedure is as follows:

  • You will lie down on a padded examination table.
  • The technician will put a small amount of water-soluble gel on the skin over the area requiring examination. The gel won’t leave any stain on your clothes or harm your skin in any way.
  • A probe, shaped like a little paddle, will be moved over the skin.
  • You may have to briefly hold your breath on several instances.
  • The test normally gets over in around 10 to 20 minutes.
  • The technician will wipe off the gel from your skin before allowing you to get dressed and go back to your daily life.

A breast USG is safe and does not carry any side effects since there is no use of radiation such as X-rays in the process.

How to Interpret Breast Ultrasound Results

The generated images will be looked at by a specialist known as a radiologist, who will then send a report to the doctor for further assessment. Your doctor will discuss the results with you and determine if follow-up exams are needed. This could be required if:

  • Your doctor thinks there is a problem spot that needs closer assessment or a different kind of imaging test for better understanding.
  • Regular monitoring to watch for changes occurring over time.
  • Determine if a specific treatment method is working.

Factors Impacting Breast Ultrasound Cost in Kolkata

The average breast USG cost in Kolkata starts from around INR2,000 and goes higher depending on various factors, including:

  • Location of the facility.
  • Use of advanced equipment and the latest infrastructure.
  • Experience of the doctors and lab technicians.
  • Accuracy and timeliness of report delivery.

Why Quadra is the Best Choice for Breast USG Kolkata

At Quadra Diagnostics, we provide premium quality care at affordable prices. Our advanced infrastructure and experienced staff ensure accurate and timely scan results for our patients every time. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to book an appointment at your nearest Quadra Diagnostics centre.