6 Things You Should Check Before Choosing an MRI Centre in Kolkata
When your doctor requests tests to aid in a diagnosis, such as an MRI, ultrasound, or Computed Tomography (CT) scan, it can be a tense experience. When it comes to your health or the health of a loved one, waiting for results is never simple. But getting a scan can be scary, especially when you have never had one and are unsure what to anticipate. But don’t worry. In this blog, we have compiled a list of six things you need to check before choosing an MRI centre in Kolkata. After reading this, you’ll understand whether the one you picked is one of the best MRI scan centres in Kolkata.

1. Scanning Technology
The first and foremost thing to look for when choosing an MRI centre in Kolkata is the technology they employ. Ensure that the centre is equipped with the latest MRI machines. A modern MRI scanner, such as a 3 Tesla (3T) machine, can provide higher-resolution images, which means you get more precise diagnoses. So, ask about the type of MRI machine they use to know whether they are the right choice.
2. Safety and Security
Does the diagnostic centre you have chosen offer safety measures when undergoing the test? The MRI test can cause claustrophobia in some patients. Does the centre offer support for such patients? Do they have sedation options if the patient is a child? Are there regular machine safety checks and maintenance in place? The best MRI test in Kolkata can be done at a centre that offers safety and comfort for the patient.
3. Certified and Trained Radiologists
Radiologists with deep expertise in specific sub-specialties are always recommended for an accurate diagnosis. Your diagnosis and, eventually, the treatment depend on how accurately the radiologists can read the scans.
4. Timing of Report Delivery
The length of each scan report varies based on the type of scan conducted. However, the CD of the scan is typically available 20 minutes after the procedure, particularly in the case of an MRI or CT. So, always ask the centre when they can deliver the report and compare the timing with other centres.

5. Trustworthiness
Is the centre trusted or frequented by other doctors? While this information may be difficult to find, it is a great sign of how well-run the diagnostic centre is. Before choosing a facility, check online reviews, consult with friends, family, and doctors you know, and ask for suggestions.
6. MRI Cost in Kolkata
The cost of an MRI in Kolkata can range from Rs. 1500 to INR 4000, depending on the body part to be diagnosed. However, the costs for comparable scans can occasionally vary from one centre to the next. Even though there is nothing like an “MRP” for a certain type of scan, it’s crucial to understand why there is a difference. Prices can fluctuate depending on the equipment and technology employed. So, be careful to conduct thorough research and select a facility with cutting-edge technology to ensure a more accurate diagnosis. As one of the most trusted service providers, Quadra Diagnostics understands the need to offer MRI at an affordable price in Kolkata to make it accessible. Book an appointment today and get reliable test results.
Let Us Take Care of Your MRI scan in Kolkata
Our experts at Quadra Diagnostics guarantee a rewarding experience. Our friendly and trained staff will ensure you have access to affordable MRI scan services, which are crucial for a wide range of health concerns. Quadra is your trusted healthcare and diagnostics centre in Kolkata. Doctors and patients consider us the ideal destination for the best MRI scans at budget-friendly prices in Kolkata. To book an appointment, call us at (033)-66012345/ 49508000.